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Электронный каталог: Справочник издательств
К списку издательств
Edward Elgar, Cheltenham
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Связанные описания:

Belfield C.R.
Economic principles for education. Theory and evidence
Edward Elgar, 2000 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Belfield C.R.
Economic principles for education. Theory and evidence
Edward Elgar, 2000 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Geuna A.
The economics of knowledge production. Funding and the structure of university research
Edward Elgar, 1999 г.
ISBN 1-84064-028-6
Geuna A.
The economics of knowledge production. Funding and the structure of university research
Edward Elgar, 1999 г.
ISBN 1-84064-028-6
Human capital over the life cycle : a european oerspective
Edward Elgar, 2004 г.
ISBN 1-84376-067-3
Human capital over the life cycle : a european oerspective
Edward Elgar, 2004 г.
ISBN 1-84376-067-3
Just R.E.
The welfare economics of public policy. A practical approach to project and policy evaluation
Edward Elgar, 2004 г.
ISBN 1-84376-688-4
Just R.E.
The welfare economics of public policy. A practical approach to project and policy evaluation
Edward Elgar, 2004 г.
ISBN 1-84376-688-4
Jovanovic M.N.
The economics of European integration. Limits and prospects
Edward Elgar, 2005 г.
ISBN 1-84542-377-1
Jovanovic M.N.
The economics of European integration. Limits and prospects
Edward Elgar, 2005 г.
ISBN 1-84542-377-1
Innovation and institutions. A multidisciplinary review of the study of innovation systems
Edward Elgar, 2005 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Innovation and institutions. A multidisciplinary review of the study of innovation systems
Edward Elgar, 2005 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Ietto-Gillies G.
Transnational corporations and international production. Concepts, theories and effects
Edward Elgar, 2005 г.
ISBN 1-84542-255-4
Ietto-Gillies G.
Transnational corporations and international production. Concepts, theories and effects
Edward Elgar, 2005 г.
ISBN 1-84542-255-4
Technology, knowledge and the firm. Implications for strategy and industrial change
Edward Elgar, 2005 г.
ISBN 1-84376-877-1
Technology, knowledge and the firm. Implications for strategy and industrial change
Edward Elgar, 2005 г.
ISBN 1-84376-877-1
Rugman A.M.
Analysis of multinational strategic management: the selected scientific papers of Alan M. Rugman and Alain Verbeke
Edward Elgar, 2005 г.
ISBN 1-84542-300-3
Rugman A.M.
Analysis of multinational strategic management: the selected scientific papers of Alan M. Rugman and Alain Verbeke
Edward Elgar, 2005 г.
ISBN 1-84542-300-3
The Economics of regional clusters. Networks, technology and policy
Edward Elgar, 2008 г.
ISBN 978-1-84720-515-5
The Economics of regional clusters. Networks, technology and policy
Edward Elgar, 2008 г.
ISBN 978-1-84720-515-5
Handbook of Marketing Analytics. Methods and Applications in Marketing Management, Public Policy,...
Edward Elgar, 2018 г.
ISBN 9781784716745
Handbook of Marketing Analytics. Methods and Applications in Marketing Management, Public Policy,...
Edward Elgar, 2018 г.
ISBN 9781784716745